
Free admission

This leaflet contains all events you marked as favourites on the Culture Night website. If you want to make changes to your program you can update your favourites at and download the programme again.

This programme was downloaded from on 09/02/2025

About the programme

All events are open between 6 pm to 12 am.

In this programme, the events are sorted by district.

Visit for the latest updates and the possibility to download the programme again. You can either download the entire programme or tailor it to your own preferences.

Accessibility for hearing-impaired
Accessibility for vision-impaired
Accessibility for wheelchairs
Accessible parking
The event is open past midnight
The programme activity requires pre-booking
Photographer: Kristian Reuter

{{ districtNameById(entry.districtId) }}

{{ entry.description }}

There is no information about this programme in English.

Program activities

{{programItem.startTime}} - {{programItem.endTime}} — {{programItem.title}}

{{ programItem.description }}

Additional information



Nearest station:

The shared link seems to be broken The shared link seems to be broken Skapa din egen Kulturnatt!

Gå in i programmet och favoritmarkera evenemang genom att trycka på hjärtat i högra hörnet så dyker de upp här.
Create your own Culture Night!

If you go to the programme and highlight events by klicking the heart in the right corner they will appear here.

{{ sharePage ? 'Shared Culture Night' : 'My Culture Night' }}

Här kan du inspireras av någon annans planer för Kulturnatt Stockholm!
Du kan skapa din egen planering genom att klicka på hjärtan i högra hörnet av evenemang i kulturnattens program.

Let yourself be inspired by someone else’s plans for the Stockholm Culture Night!
Create a plan of your own by klicking the heart in the right corner of events in the progamme.

{{ (Math.floor(loader * 100)) }}%
The number of events has increased since the page was loaded. Please reload the page to see all events.
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